A Fast Download Fix and Found Treasure

In pursuit of downloading the video of TZ “The Invaders”, I (and at least one other participant) ran into difficulties. Clicking on the download button of the player started a download, but would stop approximately half-way through. Multiple efforts resulted in varying results, but never the entire episode. What was downloaded could be viewed, and presumably used for capturing images to work with.

Jim Groom was great in communication to look into it from his end. Seems like he never sleeps! I was actually teaching a class last night, and during the students’ lab time able to work on the problem, and there was Jim on twitter still communicating…after his seemingly all day in the ds106.tv studio.

Jim Groom on ds106.tv

Jim Groom on ds106.tv

End result: I downloaded a download manager, specifically Free Download Manager (found at http://download.cnet.com/Free-Download-Manager/3000-2071_4-10301621.html ), that not only downloads the 153 MB file, but does it in about 30 seconds. I’m usually suspicious and careful with such programs, but this looks like a keeper. You can find a variety of download managers by doing an Internet search. This one is apparently only for Windows.

In the process I discovered a real treasure trove: the UMW Media Library http://media.umw.edu/media. Here you can find lots of presentations, panel discussions, etc. from previous iterations of ds106, as well as material from other courses. Personally, I am looking forward to finding out more about Rasputin and Sherlock Holmes in video lectures downloaded from here!

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