The Beatles On the Radio

The Beatles

On the Radio

For The Daily Create tdc538, we are tasked with: Someone just discovered an unknown recording of the Beatles. Draw the new album cover. I decided to draw using Gimp. I selected a photo showing a radio, but wanted to include a reference to ds106 radio. So, I cropped the wording from another photo for the logo. Putting the title and subtitle was merely a matter of selecting the font and size. For the back cover, I gave a simple explanation of the origin, and listing of the songs. My intent is to make the album look more like a bootlegged edition. The reference to copyright clearance is meant to give the bootlegged album an air of legality.

Images came from flickr, each with Creative Commons licensing for use and modification, noncommercial, with attribution. Here they are:

From Andrea Marutti, the original photo “Bääfest 4 – The Beatles Box and more”.
From Andrew Forgrave, the original design “ Animated GIF “Your NEW Old Radio Friend””.

4 comments on “The Beatles On the Radio

  1. Fantastic- adding the song list was a brilliant touch. I just hope we can play this disc sometime soon on ds106radio

    • byzantiumbooks says:

      Thanks. Hope you can find this album at a thrift shop in Strawberry. There was a note with it: “I left this here for you to listen.”

  2. Love this! The font of the album title is very good, and the picture and whole aesthetic does look very bootleg-gy. The song titles are a perfect addition, and I love how they refer to people and events in the ds106zone! From Oz to BC, indeed…in less than a week, actually. I return home July 5 (sadly…I love it here in Australia, and don’t want to leave!).

    • byzantiumbooks says:

      Thanks for your comments! I suspect that all (or at least most) art (including song titles) is referencial. Sometimes the reference is so obscure even the artist doesn’t get it, but it’s there. The art came from somewhere…

      You can go back sometime in the future. But you will reference this year in Australia for the rest of your life!

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